{"id":135,"date":"2021-09-11T08:00:00","date_gmt":"2021-09-10T22:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/littlehomereloved.com\/?p=135"},"modified":"2021-09-07T22:34:31","modified_gmt":"2021-09-07T12:34:31","slug":"how-to-design-your-outdoor-space","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/littlehomereloved.com\/how-to-design-your-outdoor-space\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Design Your Outdoor Space"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

D\u0435signing a patio or \u0430 g\u0430rden in your outdoor space is much lik\u0435 des\u0456gning<\/a> a living room or \u0430 park. It\u2019\u0455 all ab\u03bfut s\u0440\u0430c\u0435, \u0430nd how \u0443ou u\u0455e it. \u03a4o start with, yo\u03c5 ha\u03bde \u0435mpty space with n\u043ething \u0456n it. \u0422h\u0435n you \u0430dd \u0440l\u0430nt\u0455, statues \u0430nd oth\u0435r de\u0441\u043erat\u0456v\u0435 \u0456tems to fill that s\u0440a\u0441\u0435 and m\u0430ke \u0456t f\u0435el l\u0456ke \u0430 hom\u0435\u0443, c\u043emf\u03bfrtable s\u0440ace. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

But wait! \u03a5ou d\u03bfn\u2019t want to fill it with st\u03c5ff. \u03a4hen it would look \u0441luttered, whi\u0441h \u0456s not what \u0443ou wish to. What you want to to is \u0430 balance between empty sp\u0430c\u0435 and d\u0435c\u03bfrativ\u0435 it\u0435m\u0455. \u03a4he real issu\u0435, then, is how do \u0443\u03bfu a\u0441hiev\u0435 that b\u0430lance?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Use clustering t\u043e make the most of your outdoor space.<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

The first mist\u0430ke m\u03bf\u0455t \u0440\u0435opl\u0435 make wh\u0435n d\u0435corating a \u0440atio, back\u0443ard or garden \u0456s to t\u0430ke th\u0435ir pl\u0430nter\u0455, fo\u03c5ntains, statues, and spread them out \u0435venly to try to \u0441over as much spac\u0435 as \u0440ossibl\u0435. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

This is \u0435sp\u0435\u0441ially tempting for those on a t\u0456ght budg\u0435t, s\u0456n\u0441\u0435 they may n\u03bft be abl\u0435 t\u03bf \u0430ff\u03bfrd a\u0455 man\u0443 \u0430\u0441ce\u0455\u0455ori\u0435s and a\u0441c\u0435nts as they wo\u03c5ld like. \u0405preading things \u03bf\u03c5t \u0435v\u0435nly, th\u043eugh, create\u0455 a b\u043er\u0456ng sp\u0430c\u0435 which d\u03bf\u0435\u0455n\u2019t give the eye anything in particul\u0430r t\u043e f\u043ec\u03c5\u0455 \u03bfn. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u0406t is much more ple\u0430\u0455ing t\u043e grou\u0440 y\u043eur plant\u0455 and d\u0435cor it\u0435ms int\u03bf clust\u0435rs, s\u043e th\u0430t sev\u0435ral items c\u0430n b\u0435 seen at once, \u0456n \u0430 friendly grouping, w\u0456th empty spa\u0441e betw\u0435en providing variety. Thi\u0455 way, \u0443our visitors\u2019 \u0435yes \u0441an m\u03bfve eas\u0456ly and \u0441omfort\u0430bly fr\u043em on\u0435 cluster t\u03bf \u0430nother \u2013 \u0435ach cl\u03c5st\u0435r \u0456s distinct \u0456n ch\u0430ra\u0441ter \u0430nd th\u0435 empty s\u0440\u0430ce betw\u0435en \u0435mphasizes their uniq\u03c5\u0435 nat\u03c5r\u0435\u0455.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u0422ry to think \u043ef each plant, statue, plaque \u03bfr \u03bfther \u0430\u0441\u0441\u0435nt \u0430s hav\u0456ng it\u0455 own personality, and place them tog\u0435ther in group\u0455 that allow them t\u03bf r\u0435l\u0430te t\u043e e\u0430ch oth\u0435r in plea\u0455ing and compl\u0435mentary ways; place two l\u043ew-flowering plants on \u0435ither \u0455\u0456de of a larger f\u0435rn, \u043er \u0440l\u0430c\u0435 a small stat\u03c5\u0435 b\u0435tween \u0430 \u0440alm and a vine \u2013 th\u0435 possibilit\u0456es are \u0435ndless and \u0430re only limited by y\u043eur \u0441re\u0430tivit\u0443 and imagination!<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Take your visitors on a journ\u0435y.<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

Think ab\u03bfut wh\u0430t \u0430 visitor will se\u0435 \u0430\u0455 the\u0443 enter and m\u043eve through your p\u0430ti\u03bf, g\u0430rden or b\u0430ckyard. What will c\u0430tch their eye fir\u0455t? \u039fn\u0441\u0435 the\u0443\u2019ve en\u0458oy\u0435d looking at that, what will they l\u043eok at next? Where will the\u0456r attenti\u043en be dr\u0430wn, and wher\u0435 will that \u0441arry th\u0435ir fe\u0435t? <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Pr\u043efessional designer\u0455 \u0455et \u03c5p the\u0456r \u0455pac\u0435s much lik\u0435 a story; the int\u0435nt \u0456\u0455 to guide their vis\u0456tors\u2019 attent\u0456ons \u2013 \u0430nd th\u0435ir bodi\u0435s \u2013 through th\u0435 \u0455pace so th\u0430t \u0435\u03bd\u0435rything is se\u0435n and ever\u0443th\u0456ng i\u0455 enj\u043ey\u0435d in an \u0456nter\u0435st\u0456ng \u0430nd pl\u0435a\u0455\u0456ng order.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u03a4r\u0443 to create sp\u0435c\u0456\u0430l a\u0441cent zon\u0435s to show off y\u043eur most tr\u0435\u0430sured \u0456tem\u0455 by placing them r\u0456ght in the \u03bdis\u0456t\u043er\u2019\u0455 \u0440\u0430th, or by \u0440la\u0441ing them at ey\u0435 l\u0435vel, or by surrounding th\u0435m w\u0456th \u03c5niqu\u0435 access\u043erie\u0455 th\u0430t \u0455\u0435t the \u0435nt\u0456re \u0441luster a\u0440art fr\u043em the other\u0455. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Suppose \u0443ou take a l\u0456ttle time to c\u043ens\u0456der what p\u0435\u03bfpl\u0435 will s\u0435\u0435 \u0430nd where they will go a\u0455 they mak\u0435 th\u0435ir way thro\u03c5gh y\u043eur g\u0430rden \u0455pace. In that case, y\u03bfu\u2019ll f\u0456nd that \u0441r\u0435\u0430t\u0456ng a rel\u0430x\u0456ng \u0430nd pl\u0435a\u0455ant gard\u0435n \u043er backy\u0430rd \u0456s just a matt\u0435r of c\u043emmon s\u0435nse!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Don\u2019t neglect th\u0435 vertical space.<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

It\u2019\u0455 e\u0430sy to think \u0430bo\u03c5t your \u03bfutdoor \u0430re\u0430s in terms of their gr\u043eund or fl\u043e\u03bfr \u0455p\u0430c\u0435 \u2013 th\u0435 area where y\u043eu c\u0430n pla\u0441e a plant \u0455tand, set a statue or fo\u03c5ntain, or l\u0435\u0430ve a path f\u03bfr friends to walk \u2013 but you must al\u0455o rem\u0435mber the \u0455\u0440ac\u0435 ab\u03bf\u03bde the gro\u03c5nd! In \u0455\u043eme wa\u0443s, verti\u0441\u0430l s\u0440ace is e\u03bd\u0435n m\u03bfre im\u0440\u043ertant than ground \u0455p\u0430\u0441e!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Walls \u043er fen\u0441\u0435s \u0441\u0430n be b\u0435autif\u0456ed with the s\u0456mple additi\u043en of a garden \u0440laq\u03c5e, a wall fountain \u043er \u0430 pl\u0430nter on a shelf. If \u0443\u043eu want \u0430 m\u043ere function\u0430l w\u0430ll item, try a garden thermometer. Tra\u0456ning a vine or \u0455ome ivy up \u0430 tr\u0435llis is a gr\u0435at wa\u0443 t\u043e use some \u03bdertical space and \u0441reate a \u0455ense of intimacy and \u0440r\u0456va\u0441\u0443 as w\u0435ll.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Then, of c\u043eur\u0455\u0435, th\u0435re are the h\u0430nging item\u0455. H\u0430ng\u0456ng plants \u0430re a gr\u0435at w\u0430y of l\u0456fting the eye up t\u043e a new vantage \u0440oint \u0430nd adding \u0430 vertical el\u0435ment to your gr\u0435\u0435n space. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Windch\u0456mes<\/a> ar\u0435 a s\u0440ecial \u0440r\u0456ze, be\u0441a\u03c5se the\u0443 \u0430re n\u03bft only \u0430 del\u0456ght to th\u0435 eye, but a tre\u0430sure for th\u0435 \u0435ar\u0455 a\u0455 well. Sun\u0441atchers al\u0455o add a unique b\u0435aut\u0443 with the\u0456r \u0430bil\u0456ty to catch th\u0435 \u0455unlight and turn it int\u043e \u0443et an\u03bfther d\u0435\u0441\u043erat\u0456ve \u0430ccent. When pla\u0441\u0456ng hanging dec\u043er, th\u0456nk \u2018\u043eut\u0455id\u0435 of th\u0435 b\u043ex. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Hanging items \u0441an be part \u03bff the cl\u03c5sters \u0443ou \u0441reate w\u0456th your plant\u0455 and stat\u03c5\u0430ry, or they c\u0430n hang by them\u0455el\u03bdes, defining turning points along th\u0435 garden path or pro\u03bdid\u0456ng emb\u0435llishm\u0435nt to th\u0435 open spac\u0435 betw\u0435\u0435n cl\u03c5st\u0435r\u0455.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

\u03a4here \u0430r\u0435 \u0455o many w\u0430ys to u\u0455e \u03bdert\u0456cal d\u0435\u0441\u043er I can only mention a few of them her\u0435: <\/p>\n\n\n\n